Editorial board members must judge every submission equally and transparently.
Editorial board members should not reveal any information regarding the author, reviewer, or paper information to anyone.
Editorial board members are responsible for timely publishing the accepted papers.
Editorial board members may attend the Editorial Board meetings occasionally scheduled by the Editorial Office for taking part in the discussion for the improvement of the Journal.
Editors should not have any conflict of interest with any assignment.
Editors should be responsible for a fast and transparent peer review process.
Editors should keep the policy of fast and effective peer review.
Editors should be responsible for any query regarding the reconsideration of editorial decisions and should provide the decision quickly and clearly with proper reasons.
Editors should be responsible for selecting potential reviewers considering their expertise in particular subject areas and keep monitoring the review process.
Editors will be responsible to convey the expectations of the journal to the reviewers with the review scope, quality, and timeliness for an effective, fair, and constructive review for the assigned submission.
Editors should keep in mind the time required for reviewing papers before sending any reminder to the reviewer so that the assigned reviewer should get the appropriate time he or she requires.
Editor-in-Chief and/or managing editor can take the final decision for any publication-oriented issue.