Peer review police

ALKEJ journal follows Double-Blind review with the following steps:

  • The submitted manuscripts checked according to the journal instructions.
  • The manuscripts that apply the journal instructions are checked for plagiarism and the manuscript passes if it obtains a score of less than 20%.
  • Concerned branch editor check the passed manuscripts if they deserve the peer review process or not.
  • Three reviewers for peer review are suggested by the branch editor.
  • The manuscript  is sent to the reviewer and ask him/her if he/she is able to make peer review the manuscript
  • If the reviewer accepts to review the manuscript, we offer him/her 20 days to submit his/her review report to the journal.
  • The branch editor examines the review comments and then rejects , accepts the manuscript or ask for revisions from the author.
  • The accepted papers are edited and sent to the press to make the first draft of the issue.
  • The draft of each paper is sent to the author for proofreading before the final print.


Publication Frequency

ALKEJ publishes 4 issues in a year.