Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is the material of choice for denture bases due to its ease of production and repairability, biocompatibility, and exceptional aesthetic appeal. However, the shortcomings of polymer materials, like inadequate mechanical and physical properties. The goal of recent study was to assess transverse strength and wettability of PMMA when mixing with zirconia and polymerized PMMA particles [ZP] as fillers with a different percentage. Sixty PMMA samples were split into three groups based on the percentage by weight of ZP filler added to each: group C: Control group, 20 samples without ZP filler (0%wt.ZP); group A: 20 samples with 2%wt. ZP; and group B: 20 samples with 4%wt. ZP. Flexural strength and wettability tests were used to evaluate all samples. ZP powder had prepared and blended by weight with PMMA powder in two distinct amounts, 2% and 4% [1.2µm and 30%ZrO, 0.69µm and 70% p-PMMA had selected according to pilot study]. To polymerize the specimens, the usual heat-curing procedure was used using a water bath, for both transvers flexural strength and wettability tests. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used to analyse data, and the results were considered statistically significant when the P-value was less than 0.05. The results showed that adding 2% ZP powder to PMMA significantly increased transverse strength, whereas adding 4% ZP powder significantly decreased transverse strength. The wettability improved dramatically between the 2% and 4% concentrations. The mixture of zirconia and polymerized PMMA particles utilized as dental filler at 2% and 4% wt increased wettability with increasing concentration, while increasing transverse strength ranged from increased to decreased.
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(Received 7 May 2023; accepted 30 August 2023; Published 1 March 2024)