Individuals across different industries, including but not limited to agriculture, drones, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing, are increasingly using thermal cameras to achieve various safety and security goals. This widespread adoption is made possible by advancements in thermal imaging sensor technology. The current literature provides an in-depth exploration of thermography camera applications for detecting faults in sectors such as fire protection, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, non-destructive testing and structural material industries. The current discussion builds on previous studies, emphasising the effectiveness of thermography cameras in distinguishing undetectable defects by the human eye. Various methods for defect detection, including temperature analysis and image processing algorithms, are thoroughly presented. The factors contributing to the effectiveness of thermography cameras are explored, along with their advantages over traditional inspection methods. The literature review highlights the diverse applications of thermography cameras in fault detection. The review highlights the remarkable transformation brought by thermal camera technology in mechanical system fault detection, leading to improved maintenance practices. These cameras can detect unseen irregularities, enable non-invasive testing and support hands-on system maintenance, making them indispensable tools for ensuring mechanical systems operate efficiently, reliably and safely. With the continuous advancement of technology, the integration of Industry 4.0 and IoT technologies will further enhance the capabilities of thermal cameras, ensuring elevated performance across different domains. In electrical systems, thermal cameras allow for the early identification of faults, enabling proactive maintenance to mitigate risks. Additionally, by assessing structural integrity, thermal cameras can detect thermal and insulation inefficiencies, leading to improved energy efficiency.
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