Control on a 2-D Wing Flutter Using an Adaptive Nonlinear Neural Controller


Keywords: Adaptive Nonlinear Control, Flutter, Nonlinear system, Neural Network.

How to Cite

Control on a 2-D Wing Flutter Using an Adaptive Nonlinear Neural Controller. (2018). Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, 7(4), 27-40.


An adaptive nonlinear neural controller to reduce the nonlinear flutter in 2-D wing is proposed in the paper. The nonlinearities in the system come from the quasi steady aerodynamic model and torsional spring in pitch direction. Time domain simulations are used to examine the dynamic aero elastic instabilities of the system (e.g. the onset of flutter and limit cycle oscillation, LCO). The structure of the controller consists of two models :the modified Elman neural network (MENN) and the feed forward multi-layer Perceptron (MLP). The MENN model is trained with off-line and on-line stages to guarantee that the outputs of the model accurately represent the plunge and pitch motion of the wing and this neural model acts as the identifier. The feed forward neural controller is trained off-line and adaptive weights are implemented on-line to find the flap angles, which controls the plunge and pitch motion of the wing. The general back propagation algorithm is used to learn the feed forward neural controller and the neural identifier. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm; this is demonstrated by the minimized tracking error to zero approximation with very acceptable settling time even with the existence of bounded external disturbances.



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